

Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Nebraska  (

In 2007 Patricia and Danny McCown were coming home from an afternoon of shopping.  At the same time, Brian Dale Andrews spent his day in a bar, drinking.  A mile from their home Brian Andrews cut across the median and hit Mr. and Mrs. McCown head on, killing them instantly and making me an adult orphan.

MADD Nebraska has been a major source of comfort.  They have guided us as victim and helped us to heal from this devastating loss.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving of Nebraska’s goal is not only to help the victims of Drunk Driving Crashes (there is no such thing as an accident when drinking and driving is involved0 but to educate children and offenders.  To that end, I have helped by doing Victim Impact Panel briefings to people who have made this mistake.  I try to help educate them on how much worse it could have been and give them the opportunity to change their lives.

If you are interested in donating, volunteering or to learn more about MADD Nebraska or MADD National please click on the link provided.

Brian Dale Andrews posted bail and fled.  If you have any information please contact America’s Most Wanted.   

Click to link to America's Most Wanted article about Brian Andrews

Autism Speaks Logo

Autism Speaks  (

My son Jacob was born different.  What seemed funny and quirky at the beginning became worrisome as he grew older and did not grow out of these behaviors.  The diagnosis of Autism, though terrifying at first, was the beginning of a new life for our family.  Knowing what we were facing enabled us to learn how to help our son so that he can grow into a fully functioning adult.

Autism speaks is a great source for information and guidance and can always use your support.

Carcinod Awareness Ribbon

Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network  (

I'm Too Young For This Logo

I'm Too Young For This! - Cancer Foundation  (

At 28, after years of being sick, a single doctor had an idea.  Carcinoid Cancer!  It is not hard to detect but if you “don’t suspect it you can’t detect it.” 

When young children or older adults get sick, cancer enters the mind of doctors, but for people between the ages of fifteen and thirty nine the possibility of cancer rarely comes up.  The mortality rate for young adults is the only age range that has not decreased at the same rate as other age groups.  In fact the cancer incidence has increased in this age group more than any other.  A person in this age range dies every hour from cancer. 

For more information or to get involved visit Carcinoid Cancer Awareness or I’m too Young for this.
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